My Health everyday: Mint and benefits.

samedi 8 octobre 2011

Mint and benefits.

Nutrition experts have confirmed that the mint has a value of great food, it renews the blood cells and prevents nausea and stomach aches and cramps, acidity and absorbs gases and numbs and generates and is useful in gout, hemorrhoids, itching.
Experts indicated that boiled mint if put with the sugar syrup was conclusive of the types of headache, visual impairment, headaches and purifies the chest of phlegm and calms dental pain if chewed green leaves and has the effect of an anti-spasm.
If the drink mix honey and vinegar, it prevents the nausea and pain live worms and the teeth and strengthens the heart, and should be dried in the shade and not in the sun to remain strong aromatic, according to the newspaper "Arab Times".
It is used spearmint moderator agitated nerves and relaxes the gut of the gases, and is useful in the treatment of asthma, cough, breathing easily and produces urine and live renal colic and menstrual pain and use of the teeth wash and to treat mastitis for nursing.

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