My Health everyday: Make your eyes more beautiful !

samedi 15 octobre 2011

Make your eyes more beautiful !

There is no doubt that your eyes are precious for you.
 They deserve all the care and pampering all possible.

We offer you in the following ways for a comprehensive file that lets you keep your eyes on the health and beauty.

Eyes reflect all the emotions and reveal easily sorrow or anger or joy or surprise ....
It's a real measure of our psychological, and can make our face brighter or depressed.

The look is simple, we can draw the attention of all around us, and communicate with others, and the exchange of admiration ...

Clearly, if the eyes are very important. However, they are subjected every day to many attacks, such as pollution and bright light and the computer screen ...

  To maintain their health and beauty, we must give them every possible means to care.

Factors that hurt the eyes and the things that benefit them :  

Daily attacks :

UV radiation is a major source of attack for the eyes, even though most of us are unaware of this, unfortunately.

  The fact that UV radiation can cause immediate damage to the eyes, such as "heat stroke" of the cornea. Thus, brown eyes, and flowing of tears, unable to bear the light.

  Worse, that UV accelerates aging of the eye, which increases the risk of cataracts in the long term.

  The doctors say ultraviolet radiation stimulates macular degeneration associated with aging, which may lead to blindness after a while.

The computer screen. As a result of staring at a computer screen all day, lose sight of our eyes so that the party suffering from drought in the end.

  Since the eyes have to endure this suffering every day, Tsaban tired in the end. Appropriate to provide comfort for the eyes,

  You should stay away from the computer screen every two hours, unless the party was keen eyes from time to time and look far on the horizon.

Air conditioners, and cigarette smoke, air pollution are also arch-enemies of the eyes may cause them a lot of discomfort and disease.

Methods of protection :

Antioxidants in our diet is an important ally for the eyes. It fights free radicals resulting from the attacks of solar radiation.

  Focus especially on taking vitamin E, found in vegetable oils, vitamin C,

Found in fruits and raw vegetables (such as kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, berries, peppers and broccoli),

And lutein Alkorotened of the species (located in the spinach, broccoli, lettuce), and finally, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, especially fatty (such as tuna and salmon)

Nuts and rapeseed oil. To benefit as much as possible of these protective materials, make sure to diversify the oil,

And consumption of raw vegetables in every meal, and eating fish regularly.

- Sunglasses :

  Necessary in all ages, which is the best way to prevent damage from ultraviolet radiation. But you can not use any type of sunglasses.

  To protect the eyes as it should, with glasses is supposed to respect international standards in this area.

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