My Health everyday: 2011

vendredi 9 décembre 2011

احذرو الطرق الجديدة التي يستخدمها اعداء الله لنشر مرض الايدز

قد يقع فيها احدنا دون ان يعلم هذا الموضوع لن يأخذ الكثير من الوقت لكنه مهم، الحادثة حصلت في باريس،

وقد تحصل في اي وقت بأي مكان أخر قبل بضعة من الاسابيع وبالتحديد في السينما في باريس،

احست احدى الفتيات بوخز في المقعد،وعندما قامت ، وجدت ابرة مغروزة في المقعد، ملصق بها ورقه مكتوب عليه…ا لقد حقنت بفايروس الايدز .

مركز الحماية من الامراض أو السيطرة على الأمراض أبلغ عن وقوع هذه الحادثة في مدن أخرى غير باريس،

وبعد فحص الابر وجد انهاحاملة فعلا لفايروس الايدز.
كما أنها حصلت في لبنان كما ابلغ المركز بانهذا النوع من الابر وجد في الصراف الآلي ،
ونطالب من الجميع توخي الحذر عند مواجهة مثل هذه المواقف،

يجب التمعن والتدقيق في المقاعد قبل الجلوس عليها، كما يجب ايصال هذه الرسالة إلى جميع من تعرفونه، وكل من يهمكم امرهم وخاصة أفراد العائلة الصغير قبل الكبير.
مؤخراً، صرح دكتور في الهند، حيث أن هذه الحادثة حصلت لأحدى مرضاه، أيضاً في السينما بنيودلهي، كانت فتاه مخطوبة،على وشك الزواج، وجدت الابرة بعد أن وخزتها وقد كان ملصق بها ورقة مكتوب عليها اهلاً بك في عالم الإيدز ،الدكتور اخبر عائلتها بأن مفعول الفايروس لن يبدأ إلا بعد 6 أشهر، وعادةً المصاب يعيش مابين 5 إلى 6 سنوات، ولكن الفتاة توفت بعد 4 أشهر. يجب جميعاً أن نتوخى الحذر، تخيل بأنك بإرسالك هذه الرسالة قد تنقذ حياة شخص غافل عن هذا الموضوع..

. رجاءً خذ من وقتك بعض الثواني وليس الدقائق وقم بتمريرها لكل من تعرفه ولا تعرفه الايدز مرض العصر فحافظ على نفسك كى تامن منه ابعده الله عنكم وعن كل غالي لك صدقونى مش هاتخسروا لما تنشروا رسالة زى دى لكل الاصدقاء عشااان مش ترجع تتندم لما تعرف ان حد اتصاب بالمرض ده وكان في امكانك تساعده…عمتم بخير

lundi 24 octobre 2011

Omega-3 and amino acids help to prevent osteoporosis

Advised of the importance of modern medical research dealt with amino acids and the article "Omega 3" and fish oil for the prevention of osteoporosis or slow rates of evolution among his patients.

Showed that initial experiments conducted on mice were given a diet rich in Omega-3 and textured amino acids and the effectiveness of these substances in the food system and protect them from osteoporosis or slow rates of disease progression among patients.

Research has shown that eating omega -3 working on the prevention of osteoporosis at a rate 30 times the other nutrients.

samedi 15 octobre 2011

Make your eyes more beautiful !

There is no doubt that your eyes are precious for you.
 They deserve all the care and pampering all possible.

We offer you in the following ways for a comprehensive file that lets you keep your eyes on the health and beauty.

Eyes reflect all the emotions and reveal easily sorrow or anger or joy or surprise ....
It's a real measure of our psychological, and can make our face brighter or depressed.

The look is simple, we can draw the attention of all around us, and communicate with others, and the exchange of admiration ...

Clearly, if the eyes are very important. However, they are subjected every day to many attacks, such as pollution and bright light and the computer screen ...

  To maintain their health and beauty, we must give them every possible means to care.

Factors that hurt the eyes and the things that benefit them :  

Daily attacks :

UV radiation is a major source of attack for the eyes, even though most of us are unaware of this, unfortunately.

  The fact that UV radiation can cause immediate damage to the eyes, such as "heat stroke" of the cornea. Thus, brown eyes, and flowing of tears, unable to bear the light.

  Worse, that UV accelerates aging of the eye, which increases the risk of cataracts in the long term.

  The doctors say ultraviolet radiation stimulates macular degeneration associated with aging, which may lead to blindness after a while.

The computer screen. As a result of staring at a computer screen all day, lose sight of our eyes so that the party suffering from drought in the end.

  Since the eyes have to endure this suffering every day, Tsaban tired in the end. Appropriate to provide comfort for the eyes,

  You should stay away from the computer screen every two hours, unless the party was keen eyes from time to time and look far on the horizon.

Air conditioners, and cigarette smoke, air pollution are also arch-enemies of the eyes may cause them a lot of discomfort and disease.

Methods of protection :

Antioxidants in our diet is an important ally for the eyes. It fights free radicals resulting from the attacks of solar radiation.

  Focus especially on taking vitamin E, found in vegetable oils, vitamin C,

Found in fruits and raw vegetables (such as kiwi, strawberries, citrus fruits, berries, peppers and broccoli),

And lutein Alkorotened of the species (located in the spinach, broccoli, lettuce), and finally, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, especially fatty (such as tuna and salmon)

Nuts and rapeseed oil. To benefit as much as possible of these protective materials, make sure to diversify the oil,

And consumption of raw vegetables in every meal, and eating fish regularly.

- Sunglasses :

  Necessary in all ages, which is the best way to prevent damage from ultraviolet radiation. But you can not use any type of sunglasses.

  To protect the eyes as it should, with glasses is supposed to respect international standards in this area.

dimanche 9 octobre 2011


Acne the most common skin diseases, almost all people were injured acne to varying degrees. Whenever the injury at an early age, the infection is - in most cases - severe and last for a long time.
 Acne a disease of sebaceous follicles (Sebaceous glands), located in the dermis layer (Dermis) of the skin, scattered in abundance in the face, chest and back. May be a minor injury and these appear in the form of black heads or white (Comedoes), or on many forms, such as blisters and abscesses (Papules and Pustules), or fatty bags.

The causes of acne :

The main cause of acne is unknown, but there are several factors that may help in his appearance, such as

Family readiness, where the increase in the incidence of children who were injured and one or both parents during young adulthood.

An imbalance in hormones, infection usually begins at puberty acne, which gets the body's hormonal changes that lead to the emergence of grain, especially in people who are predisposed to infection.

Eating certain types of medications, such as drugs that contain a substance cortisone.

Some types of foods, some people may notice an increase in the activity of acne after eating certain types of foods, such as cocoa, nuts, sweets and drinking cola drinks contain.

Hilla, psychological, may notice some people with acne, an increase in activity in the case of anxiety, and this is due to two reasons, first is influenced by the immune system, and the second case, the psychological effect on the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Treatment :

Acne is a disease that disappears on its own, but this may take a long time, so it's important initiative to reduce the effects of treatment that may result because of the injury and which are difficult to treat later.

Acne treatment time lasts up to several months or years in some severe cases, so it is important to persevere and not to move from one doctor to another. Treatment depends on several factors such as severity of injury, disease duration, previous treatments, sex of victim and age, ranging treatment of the material localized to the oral medications, select the appropriate treatment for each case up to the physician, it is important to move away from traditional recipes of the combinations, etc. which are distributed are non-medical, which could lead to increase in the problem of many, is also important not to rely on the treatment used by another, every state and stage specific treatment.

samedi 8 octobre 2011

Vitamin D may help the health of the gums and teeth

Suggests a new study in the New Jersey Dental School that vitamin D may help the health of the gums and teeth may improve your smile, it was found that vitamin D can fight bacterial infections that attack gums and lead to gingivitis and tooth loss.
Tooth decay may affect children more than any other chronic infectious diseases, and left untreated can cause pain and infection that can hurt the ability to eat and talk and learn.
Nearly a third of adults may suffer from tooth decay untreated, about 75% of adults may suffer from inflammation of the gums, Experts point out that untreated gingivitis can stretch injury to the gums to the ligaments and bones in the jaw, and this problem is the main cause of tooth loss in adults.
The previous research found that vitamin D can cause lung cells to produce natural antibiotics that can kill bacteria, and now research has shown that vitamin D has the same effect on the cells gums. The new study also revealed that the cells gums such as lung cells with the capacity to activate the inactive forms of vitamin D, which means that treatment of vitamin D may be effective topically.
Studies have shown vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health, may reduce the risk of colon cancer, improves risk factors for diabetes, and relieves depression.
In addition, the researchers discovered that vitamin D participates in the expression of some genes that may have a role in the fight against infection, this discovery may lead to specific treatments using vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiency include the exposure of others enough to sunlight and inadequate consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, experts recommend in the Vitamin D Council eating 1,000 IU per 25 pounds of body weight for healthy children greater than one year of age, and at least 5000 IU of adolescents and adults healthy, and individuals with health conditions may require more.     

Mint and benefits.

Nutrition experts have confirmed that the mint has a value of great food, it renews the blood cells and prevents nausea and stomach aches and cramps, acidity and absorbs gases and numbs and generates and is useful in gout, hemorrhoids, itching.
Experts indicated that boiled mint if put with the sugar syrup was conclusive of the types of headache, visual impairment, headaches and purifies the chest of phlegm and calms dental pain if chewed green leaves and has the effect of an anti-spasm.
If the drink mix honey and vinegar, it prevents the nausea and pain live worms and the teeth and strengthens the heart, and should be dried in the shade and not in the sun to remain strong aromatic, according to the newspaper "Arab Times".
It is used spearmint moderator agitated nerves and relaxes the gut of the gases, and is useful in the treatment of asthma, cough, breathing easily and produces urine and live renal colic and menstrual pain and use of the teeth wash and to treat mastitis for nursing.

Rice resistant to cancer, protects arteries

Rice is a good source of energy, is rich in fiber which helps the digestive system to function efficiently, and is the rice grains are very rich in carbohydrates but relatively poor in protein, and contains rice, various types of materials Azotah and fatty substances, fiber, amino acids and many of the starch, and the metal materials such as (silicon and Almngeniziom) and the vitamins are concentrated in the crust, and the brown rice is richer in fiber, vitamins, white rice loses because of the specifications during manufacturing.

A more recent study that rice is rich in fiber which helps the digestive system to function efficiently, and it is a good source of energy as a result of starch in the white part of the grain and the starch, the body Bhimh slowly, giving the activity of the body for a long time.
The study showed that all types of rice, both non-de-crust or those stripped of 50 percent or dried them rich in vitamins, and most important of these vitamins, vitamin B 6, which plays an important role in improving the immune system, vitamin B 5 and acid Alpintotnik, which allows the consumption of energy in the foods that we eat.
On the other hand, U.S. researchers said that the black rice rich in antioxidants may help prevent DNA "DNA" of the damage that leads to cancer, and protects the arteries of the heart.
Researchers at the University of "Louisiana" to American black rice, which contains a small amount of sugar and coated with a layer of fiber health and antioxidants help to fight cancer and heart disease.
The researchers analyzed the samples in their study of black rice bran and found it rich in "anthocyanin" anti-oxidant, responsible for black color in many fruits and vegetables such as cherry and red pepper. Scientists said that the antioxidants found in black plant can help protect the arteries of the heart and prevent damage to DNA which could lead to cancer.
A study conducted in Australia to use a small dish of rice before the four hours of sleep may help get rid of insomnia, which affects some people when resorting to their beds at night. 

Diabetes may be linked to hearing loss

According to the analysis of 13 studies in Tsukuba University Hospital, Japan disease of diabetes may be linked to hearing loss, it was shown that hearing loss is more common in people with diabetes more than twice, but the study did not prove cause or effect.
Previous studies have linked diabetes with hearing loss, but no one knows how high the risk.
The researchers say it's a good idea for people with diabetes do routine checks of hearing just as checking the eyes and kidneys.
The researchers collected results of 13 studies involving about 8,800 people, hearing disability, and 23 839 without a hearing disability. The new study says that people with diabetes are more likely to have mild hearing loss by 2.3 times (a problem not heard the words and talk a normal voice for a distance of more than 3 feet). The researchers believe that damage to blood vessels is the main culprit for the link between hearing loss, diabetes, high Levels of sugar in the blood, which is characterized by patients with diabetes over time may damage the small blood vessels in the inner ear, making it difficult hearing. 


Benefits of Cumin

Known cumin essentially being one flavors of spices, is the extraction of olive oil to give a smell in cosmetics, also used by some of the diets in cooking to keep the heart rate is stable and healthy, so is the use of pepper cumin in the prescription food recommended for heart health, but there are different types of cumin that the doctor should be consulted before attempting to use in therapeutic situations.

-The impact of cumin on the levels of sugar in the blood and heart rate :
Study showed that cumin and black cumin is also known, works to slow down and stabilize heart rate, and the researchers concluded that black cumin reduces the levels of sugar in the blood of mice, the wizard of cadmium (zinc carbonate), and also slows the heart rate.

-Cumin as a source of mineral wealth :
Provides the
cumin of the human body high quantities of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, and zinc, these minerals are essential for the formation of red blood cells, and the growth of a healthy body and its development, in addition to that between the science of nutrition that the cumin is rich in the element potassium, which helps control the rate of heart rate and blood pressure .

-Types of cumin :
Cumin is used in cooking may not be the same
cumin, which helps to stabilize the heart rate, as there cumin and sweet, also known as anise or anise, cumin, known as black cumin, which is another form of cumin. So stop the possible effects on heart rate on the type of user cumin.

Benefits of green tea

Green tea health benefits have made it the best drink ever in terms of health, and the benefits are :
1-Helps burn fat.
2- Helps to speed up the metabolism; because its anti-oxidant helps the liver to function more effectively.
3- Drinking green tea three times a day burn 200 calories extra per day.
4- Protects the heart from disease.
5 - Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood; because the effects of anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries Ldl.
6- Prevents the formation of abnormal blood clots, and has the same effectiveness of aspirin in this area.
7- Increasing levels of beneficial cholesterol Hdl which helps to remove platelets from the walls of the arteries of fatty.
8- Helps in reducing blood pressure.
9- Protects against diabetes.
10- Helps to prevent food poisoning.
11- Prevent bad breath.

Put boiling water and cover it and leave for several minutes, then add sugar to taste, and can add lemon.